by steve | Mar 27, 2024 | Featured News, News
If you think about it, it’s a bit weird to intentionally focus on Jesus’ death isn’t it? Imagine if we did this for literally anyone else. Consider someone in your life who passed away, maybe a grandma or other relative. Now consider if, every year on the anniversary of their death, you spent time intentionally thinking about their death – why they died, how they died, the pain and suffering they endured, etc. –
by steve | Mar 20, 2024 | Featured News, News
As Lent winds down, it’s time to prepare for the rollercoaster ride that is Holy Week. Holy Week is like binge-watching the ultimate drama series. You’ve got the triumphal entry, a momentous last supper, the betrayal of a close friend, a mock trial, and an innocent man murdered before their eyes. Some times we can be so familiar with the story that the weight of the drama and all that happens in that final week gets lost on us.
by steve | Mar 13, 2024 | Featured News, News
This coming Sunday marks our last in our series on Renewed Rhythms: Cultivating Spiritual Disciplines TOWARD Transformation in 2024. Over the past 11 weeks (1 week was set aside for Teen Challenge), we’ve looked at 10 very different spiritual disciplines – some quite conventional (i.e. prayer, solitude, fasting, etc.) while others not so much (soul friendship, journaling, etc.).
by steve | Mar 4, 2024 | Featured News, News
I mentioned a few weeks back that I’ve been doing a Jesus Collective online course called the Online Learning Collective. The theme of the course is “How to Lead and Disciple in a Polarized World” and each week we have been taking a different angle on discerning how to effectively navigate the polarizations of our day through what Jesus Collective calls a 3rd Way approach. So topics like our faith, society, racism, politics, and, this last week has been about family. I’m sure if your family is anything like mine, there’s no shortage of polarizing topics to be had!
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