Kickin’ at the Darkness ’til it Bleeds Daylight

Kickin’ at the Darkness ’til it Bleeds Daylight

Let me say off the top: I am hesitant to get political, recognizing, particularly in this role as pastor, how politics so often leads to division. As such, I will never tell you how to vote and I firmly believe church and state should remain separate. That said, as a pastor, I cannot ignore how the political landscape of the US is affecting the mental and spiritual well-being of our own community—let alone those directly impacted by these policies. Over the past two weeks, many of you have shared your unease with me, and I sense a growing heaviness. Every headline seems to bring fresh reasons for concern, uncertainty, and even despair. To simply turn away from it all because “pastors shouldn’t do politics” would be an abdication of the call to engage with the world as it is.

The Bible Stands Out… like… a LOT!

The Bible Stands Out… like… a LOT!

This series we’ve been doing on the Bible has not only been challenging–at least for me–but somewhat unexpectedly, it’s been a major eye-opener for me. My study has led me to learn all sorts of new things about the Bible and if I were to summarize it in a sentence it would be simply: Objectively, the Bible is the most unique book in history.

Cultivating Next Gen Generosity

Cultivating Next Gen Generosity

It’s New Year’s resolution season which, in our home at least, has brought up the discussion of becoming a more generous person. If you’ve got kids, this is probably something you want to instill in them but the challenge is, how do you teach being generous? I know the best way to teach anything to your kids is to model it in your own lives so, yes, we’ve sought to do that, but when it comes to generosity, the whole “Don’t let your left hand know what the right hand is up to” (Matt. 6:3) teaching makes this somewhat tricky.