Jesus centred.

Join us Sundays @ 10:30 at 1250 Balmoral St
New Here?Sunday Mornings

So… church, eh? 😬

We get it. Walking into a spiritual space with a bunch of strangers can be overwhelming and super awkward. You’re likely wondering if we’re weird and if your kids will be safe and probably a million other anxiety-inducing questions. That is totally fair. 

First off, Grassroots isn’t weird 🤪 and we absolutely prioritize your kids’ safety, ensuring all volunteers are vetted and have vulnerable sector checks. We invite you to keep exploring and/or connect with our pastor.

Spiritual nomad?

If you feel like a spiritual nomad and that you just don’t fit in with the larger church landscape of Thunder Bay, and yet aren’t ready to give up on Christian community and want to be a part of reimagining what church could look like in our current moment – welcome. This space is for you.

Latest Teaching

Grassroots exist to:

  • Shape bright disciples
  • Restore faith
  • Shelter the vulnerable

Find your place in the Grassroots community!

Our Vision & Beliefs

Jesus shapes our theology, how we understand scripture and what love looks like.


Our weekly messages are typically 30-40 minutes and are available to listen and watch everywhere.

Children & Youth Ministry

We offer Nursery, a Sunday School program (Roots & Shoots) and a weekly Youth Group

Home Groups

Home Groups help form meaningful connections, provide discipleship and a means of caring for each other.

Upcoming Events

Pastor's Blog and News and Such

Prayer Pointers for This Week: Henri Nouwen on Distraction

Prayer Pointers for This Week: Henri Nouwen on Distraction

For those of you who maybe don’t read the full newsletter to the bottom each week (or haven’t looked at the back of your bulletins on Sunday morns 😂!), you may have missed that over the past month or so we’ve been adding a section called “Prayer Pointers.” This space is for us to use as a springboard in growing a spiritual habit of prayer as a community by providing some reflections on prayer from the scriptures (or notable Christian) and then ending with a prayer for you to pray this week. You’re encouraged to use it as you will. This week I’ve decided to kill two birds with one stone and am using the space where I usually write a little blurb to simply be the prayer pointer for us. 

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Latest Message

Sample Sermon Four Write an enticing introduction to your service or sermon here. Be sure to set your post format to video or audio as the case may be.

Sample Sermon Three Write an enticing introduction to your service or sermon here. Be sure to set your post format to video or audio as the case may be.

Sample Sermon Two Write an enticing introduction to your service or sermon here. Be sure to set your post format to video or audio as the case may be.