
Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm
Choir Room, 2nd Floor, Room 201
Youth gathered around the fire

Grassroots Youth Group (aka “GYG”) is currently being planned for the 2023-2024 year. Details will be provided here re: meeting times, frequency, curriculum/topics to be learned. Check back soon!


In general, GYG meets weekly-ish and we do classic youth group-y things, including fun games and then a reading or gathering.

GYG tries to have a few fun event nights throughout the year (sledding, skating, baseball, hikes, etc.). In years past we have had a lock in, traveled to Grand Marais, bonfires at the Bills, hosted a 30 Hour Famine, and joined in the masses at the giant youth retreat called Planet Wisdom in Minneapolis.

Sound fun? We’d love for any youth 7-12 grade to join in GYG.

You can get more info by contacting our GYG director: Matt Denis at

Kids sliding down a hill
Youth group kids playing Spoons

Meeting Time

Choir Room, 2nd Floor, Room 201
Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm


Henry Williams