Frequently Asked Questions

If you are thinking about coming to a new church, you likely have many questions about what to expect – from beliefs, to culture, to children’s ministry and everything in between. Here are some of the more common questions Grassroots Church has been asked over the years.

What does a Sunday service look like?

We strive to offer a comfortable vibe with our Sunday services. Sing a few songs, kids get dismissed to Sunday School, listen to a sermon, share communion together while singing a final song. Here and there we switch it up a bit but this is generally what you can expect. Learn more by visiting our Sundays page.

I have children. Will they be safe?

One of the 3 core pillars of Grassroots’ identity is to protect the vulnerable. Children are some of our most vulnerable. As such, all of our volunteers are required to be certified with Plan to Protect, anย  abuse prevention and protection training service geared to organizations serving the vulnerable sector.

Being certified with Plan to Protect requires all volunteers to not only undergo specific training but also requires a background check and an up to date vulnerable sector check with police.

Grassroots Church takes children’s safety very seriously, striving to ensure protection in all situations. Learn more about what we do to ensure our childrens’ safety.

How should we dress for Sunday?

However you’d like! Shorts and t-shirt? Great. Suit and tie? Cool. Most folks typically wear casual but Grassroots does not have a dresscode.

Do we need to give an offering? How does that work?

As a guest, you’re welcome to give an offering but there is certainly no expectation. Feel free to enjoy the service as a gift to you! If you’d like to give an offering, there are a number of ways to do so and you can learn about them on our Giving page.

Is Grassroots Christian? What denomination are you a part of?

Yes, we are Christian. 100% orthodox, Jesus-centred Christians. We started as a home church in 2002 and are not a part of a denomination. However, we did join the Jesus Collective in 2023. Visit our Beliefs & Vision page to learn more!

I'm nervous in new social situations. Will I have to talk to people?

Many people are anxious about visiting because they don’t like small talk or don’t like the feeling of being left alone. We get it. If this is you, it’s totally okay – you can come right as the service is starting and leave immediately afterward, no worries. And if that still seems overwhelming, you’re welcome to join us online as well.

Communion. Tell me about this.

At the end of our Sunday services we usually centre around the Lord’s table to be grounded on the earth-shattering, most pivotal moment of our world: the death and resurrection of Jesus.ย  What this looks like practically is that we walk to the front of the church, grab a piece of bread (gluten-free option available!) and dip it in grape juice and then return to our seats, singing a closing song.ย 

Okay, I want to plug into this community a bit more. Where do I start?

There are a number of things you can do. If you’re interested in keeping your finger on the pulse of what’s happening in our community, start by registering for our weekly newsletter (scroll to the bottom and fill out the form).

We have a Facebook group for Grassroots to connect with one another. Request to join today!

You can also check out our Home Groups section to learn about getting involved with a smaller group of Grassrooters on a regular basis.

Question not answered here? Ask us directly and we’ll get back to you asap!