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A Young Girl Capturing a Waterfall

A Young Girl Capturing a Waterfall

This past week I went down a rabbit hole of sorts. I was reading a chapter on mimetic desire and rivalry (don’t ask) which was developed by philosopher and all around towering intellect, René Girard. So naturally I started reading about him which led me to a student of mimetic theory, Andre Rabe, who runs a ministry called “Always Loved” which then led me to his YouTube Channel, in which I watched a video entitled Icons of Beauty in which he tells a simple story about a girl and a waterfall and this story has sat with me all week. (I know I’m not alone when I say this is what Interneting looks like in 2024 for many of us. Sigh.)

This week I wanted to just share the story he tells of this girl and the waterfall. I could tell the story but instead I’ll just paste the video here and you can watch.

If Ever “Wherever You Go, There You Are” Rings True, it Was on Sunday

If Ever “Wherever You Go, There You Are” Rings True, it Was on Sunday

It almost seems a tad cliché to say this but the CHURCH is the people–not a building–and this past Sunday, we demonstrated this unequivocally. How did we do this, you may ask? Because even though we were physically located in a very different space than where we were used to meeting on Sunday mornings, there was no mistaking the fact that the vibe felt in this space was still genuinely Grassroots!Perhaps this is the first time you’re hearing of this or perhaps you’ve got a few more questions. Here are a few questions that you might have:

Wounded Images of God: Post-Script

Wounded Images of God: Post-Script

This past Sunday I spoke on how the Good News of Jesus helps heal our wounded images of God. There was a lot to be said about this topic and the problem with Sunday sermon preaching is that I don’t always get (read: never) enough time to fully expound on thoughts and themes to my satisfaction. And I get enough flack as is with how long I preach 😉 This is why this little corner of the newsletter is handy!
Perhaps this is the first time you’re hearing of this or perhaps you’ve got a few more questions. Here are a few questions that you might have:

BEDMAS or Bust: How Do We Know What God’s Like

BEDMAS or Bust: How Do We Know What God’s Like

Remember elementary school math problems like this? You either rub your hands together, excited to dive in and solve the equation or you look at this and your eyes gloss over…. or your heart races and you begin to twitch at the prospect of having to solve this. Personally, as an adult, I find these questions humbling because, ugh, where do I even begin? Fortunately, that question is answered simply enough using the order of operations acronym – BEDMAS (Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction).
Perhaps this is the first time you’re hearing of this or perhaps you’ve got a few more questions. Here are a few questions that you might have:

An FAQ on the NEW Neighbour 2 Neighbour Ministry

An FAQ on the NEW Neighbour 2 Neighbour Ministry

So last week we received our first Neighbour2Neighbour (N2N) request. An individual in our community asked for a hand with some gardening. Within minutes, some amazing human in our community responded and said they could help meet the need. And so they did. And the need was met. And it’s really that simple! Cool right?

Perhaps this is the first time you’re hearing of this or perhaps you’ve got a few more questions. Here are a few questions that you might have:

We’ve Got a Punctuality Problem on our Hands, People!

We’ve Got a Punctuality Problem on our Hands, People!

We say we start church at “10ish.” And honestly, I like this. I like the laid back way of getting things going around 10:10-10:15. It feels relaxed and casual, which is definitely the vibe we are trying to foster on Sunday mornings. And I know you like it, too, because the sanctuary is relatively empty at 9:57. People start to trickle in after 10 and we hit critical mass at about 10:10 typically, which is about the time we begin our announcements. A few more folks will arrive right up until about 10:30, usually. On one hand, this is all fine and dandy if everyone in the community is on the same wave length and understands the very relaxed start time of our Sunday morning services.