Combatting Cynicism with Enchantment

Combatting Cynicism with Enchantment

So last week, 4 of us Grassrooters attended Unite ’24 – a biennial (i.e. happens once every 2 years vs. “biannual” which is twice a year… but I digress) conference put on by Jesus Collective. This year’s theme was: “The Prophetic Church: 4 Ways a Church Renewed by Jesus can Surprise the World” and it was, by all accounts, a great few days of learning and connecting with other Jesus Collective partners.

Why is Clarifying the Jesus of the Centre so… Murky?!

Why is Clarifying the Jesus of the Centre so… Murky?!

So I’m not sure what I’ve gotten myself into here. No matter how you slice it, this latest series is…. ambitious. If you were with us Sunday morning for Message 1 on our series “Revealing the Jesus of the Centre”, you may have sensed the struggle of this endeavour. But, exactly why is it so hard to “pin” him down? Let’s discuss this a bit.

Thank You for Making Holy Week so Meaningful!

Thank You for Making Holy Week so Meaningful!

Thanks to everyone who helped make Holy Week so special for our community this year! From Rich Clark for making the chicken-wired cross to Bill Ulrich for such a powerful scripture reading on Good Friday to the musicians for putting together an intentional selection of worship songs, the Roots & Shoots teachers and kiddos for organizing such a glorious rendition of “The Easter Song” (Keith Green couldn’t hold a candle to you guys!), and all the other many hands behind the scenes that allowed for these times together to have such meaning.